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  1. You have seriously been an answer to my prayers again!! God bless you!!! Thank you for your help and being His hands and feet for us parents who are needing His answers for our children. Especially in these teen years I have been feeling they needed to know all of these things but I didn’t know where to look. I have been praying and asking others and then I read this! Just awesome God is so good and He cares!! Thank you Jesus!!!??

  2. Thank you so much for this list! I am looking for quality books for my teenage daughter, so I am excited for these ideas! I appreciate your work!

  3. Great list Kim, I will include this in my TBR for future reference.



  4. I’m so much bless and happy to come across these books for teenagers, even how to make the books impactful in them.
    Pls do you have soft copies of each of them, if yes. I’m interested in getting all for my children.
    God bless you.
    Lois O. Donatus

    1. Hi Lois! We don’t carry these books, but you can look for them anywhere books are sold. and Thrift Books are great places to start!


  5. Do you have any suggestions of biographies that tell the story of a teen girl doubting that Christianity is best, goes after a life apart from Christ, only to find it empty and in the end re-discovers Jesus? I could use these for my daughter.

    1. John, Sadly, we do not have any specific recommendations for the type of book you are looking for. You Might take a look at our studies: A Content Heart. Keep Thy Heart, and Navigating Friendships (in case friends are leading her astray). Also, focus on spending real quality time with her investing in things she’s interested in with her to help open doors of communication.

  6. Looking for teen-level books that speak to a teen’s need to discover Gods love for them. Basically looking for something to give my kids’ high school friends who are not from Christian homes but are open to learning who God is. The books in the list above are all way too advanced for these kids and assume a Christian world view. Lots of stuff for Christian teens is aimed at helping them maintain their faith, being forgiven for saying cuss words etc. Secular kids are in a different space altogether. They need simple Biblical concepts explained in relevance to their secular experience. Any help much appreciated!

  7. I will personally replace The Sacred Search with Outdated by Jonathan Pokluda for my girls. I felt it was much more personable and relevant to current culture without sacrificing theology.

  8. Nice selection what if they are interested in fantasy or sci fi books? Any rec?

    1. The Green Ember series and The Wingfeather Saga are great ones!

  9. Love your content and resources!!! I was checking out your reading journals to go along with the reading list! Are the journals for fiction? Do you have a suggested fiction book list?

    1. The journals have sections for both fiction and non-fiction. Purchase of the journal comes with a reading list, but you can also find fiction options on the downloadable reading list you signed up for. 🙂 -Annie, NCM Team

  10. Ooh nothing like an authentically powerful book to stir faith and encourage young people! Often titles NOT branded at teens hit home so well too, I love how you have those here too. <3

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