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  1. That’s a good idea. Step a phone alarm. I need to try that. I forget to check or even make her do the list I have.

  2. Hi Kim! Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us! I’ve been struggling to have our daughter, a freshman this year, step up with responsibility. It was like a 2×4 between the eyes when reading your article. I haven’t been doing my part to check in with her to make sure she is doing her part. WOW! How eye opening! I have a lot to think through now as to how I can set alarms and check in with her daily to make sure she is completing her work. (We used to do almost all of our work together as a family.) I do have one question… Do you have a “Weekly Checklist” that is editable? If so, could you share with me where it is on your site? If not, what did you use to create your checklist. I think that is a great way to visually see what needs to be done each day!

  3. I was was wondering how you use the lanyard’s pictured above Do your children wear them all day and check off as they go? Is there a specific time of day (set by alarm) that they get these and do their work? We have a similar list but it’s a Master Copy on our refrigerator that details what’s expected in completing each zone. Then we have a separate checklist for the week where they are supposed to mark off each day what they accomplished. We do not have the money for each job printed out either-do you find that is a helpful motivator?

    Thanks for all the great resources and helpful information!


    1. It works great if you have a specific time set for doing chores to wear the lanyards and check off as you go!

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