10 Easy Valentine’s Day Bible Verse Printables
Make Valentine’s Day more meaningful with these free scripture printables. These Valentine’s Day Bible verse printables are a perfect addition to a special day!
We are always looking for ways to tell people about Jesus. Whether it’s a kind act or direct conversation, we want everything we do to point to God’s love. Valentine’s Day is no different! In fact, it’s the perfect time to spread a sweet love note that includes the beautiful message of Scripture!
Looking for more teen- or adult-friendly valentines? Check out 7 Free Valentines Bible Verse Printables for simple and elegant ideas your friends, co-workers, and even neighbors will love!

Table of Contents
10 Free Valentine’s Day Bible Verse Printables for Kids
1. God has made you so “smartie!”
This valentine is so simple, yet the kids will love it! For less than $10, you have valentines for the whole class!
All you need is the printable, some cute washi tape, and a bag of Smarties candy. Print the cards on cardstock for stability. One tip for printing: make sure you set your printer to the “best” quality. It will make your printables really lovely. Once printed, I cut them apart with a trimmer for ease, but scissors will work as well.

2. Jesus, the Ultimate Super Hero Valentine’s Day Bible Verse Printable
I made these super cute valentines with my oldest son a few years ago, and they were such a hit! All you need are lollipops, scrap ribbon, and the printables. This one contains two items to be printed. The first is the cape. It’s up to you, but I prefer to print these on plain paper, since it’s more flexible. Once I slip them on, I crinkle them a bit for added character. Many use cardstock for this part, though, and that’s fine too. Just remember to write the “to and from” section on the back of the capes before you slip them on.
The second printable is the small circle. I do print this one on cardstock and then punch a hole at the top and bottom. The last step is to simply tie a ribbon at the top of the lollipop and slip the circle through the stick.

3. Mini Bibles Valentine’s Day Bible Verse Printable
This might be my favorite Valentine’s Day Bible verse printable this year. I guess it’s the crafty girl in me. But don’t fear—it’s not as hard as it looks. You can make a class set in under an hour!
First, gather your supplies and cut the paper and ribbon into the right sizes (noted below). On the back of the cardstock, write your “to and from.” Glue or tape the ribbon about halfway down the center of the OTHER side of the cardstock.
Tape two nuggets in the center of the valentine paper. Fold your printable verse in half and then glue it to the top of the candy. Bring the ribbon over the top and glue it down in the center. Trim if needed. Set aside to dry.

- 2 Hershey’s Nuggets
- Cardstock cut into pieces that are 2.25 inches wide, 1.5 inches tall. This is the one I used.
- Thin ribbon (cut into 2-inch-long pieces)
- Printable verses
- Tape, glue
4. Trust the Lord With All Your Heart Verse Printable
I’m a busy mom. Sometimes things like Valentine’s Day threaten to consume me. I want cute valentines to give out, but I don’t have a lot of time. If this resonates with you, I think you’ll really love this valentine. (As a bonus, it’s under $5 to make a class set!)
Simply print the cards on cardstock for stability. One tip for printing: make sure you set your printer to the “best” quality. It will make your printables really lovely. Once printed, I cut them apart with a trimmer for ease, but scissors will work as well.
Then, tape on heart-shaped candy of your choice and add a personal “to and from” message. A meaningful Valentine’s Day Bible verse printable valentine done. Simple, huh?

5. Jesus, Light of the World
In a world with a billion allergies and special diets, sometimes it’s nice to have something cheap that isn’t candy! If you’re looking for answers to that quandary, you’ll love this Valentine’s Day Bible verse printable!
Glowsticks are usually found in the dollar bins for $1 per package. That’s a wonderfully frugal deal! Or you can grab these from Amazon. Either way, it’s less than $10 to make a class set, and you’ll have leftover glowsticks for a glowstick family fun night.
Print the verses on cardstock for stability. Once printed, cut them apart with scissors and add a personal “to and from.” Punch holes at the top and bottom and slip onto the glowstick. Your kids’ friends will love it! I’ve also seen people give these out for all kinds of occasions!

6. Pencil Bookmark Valentine’s Day Bible Verse Printable
Another great non-candy valentine option, we’ve used these pencil valentines for both the holiday and year-round events because the message is one that everyone needs to hear! “Your name is written on the palms of His hands” (Isaiah 49:16).
Coming in at $10 for a class set, all you need is cardstock and a fun Valentine’s Day pencil. Often you can find these in the dollar bins or holiday sections. I got the red heart pencils here. You will also need your hole punch and paper cutter (not mandatory, but creates a nice clean cut).

7. Mini Bubbles Valentine’s Day Bible Verse Tag
Kids get enough candy on Valentine’s Day. Be every mom’s (and kid’s) hero with these simple mini bubbles Valentine’s Day Bible verse tags. We’ve given them to preschool classes, children’s church, and older kids. Bubbles are fun, no matter how old you are. Sometimes you can find bubble packs at Target in the valentines section, but if not, these white heart bubble wands from Amazon are perfect! If you split the pack, you can still make a class set for less than $10! Print your tag on cardstock and tie with your favorite ribbon. I used twine and a fun red ribbon.

8. S’mores Valentine’s Day Bible Verse Topper
Who doesn’t love s’mores? We made these one year for my Wednesday night class at church, and they were a huge hit with the 6th graders! They take a little more time to make, but they are rather inexpensive.
Lots of church camps have used this printable to make up little kits for their attendees too. It doesn’t have to be Valentine’s Day to share God’s love with someone!

- Cardstock: one sheet for every two toppers you want to print
- 4-inch-wide party bags. You can get them at Walmart or craft stores. Look in the cake decorating aisle. Or order them from Amazon to get them the cheapest.
- Paper cutter (not mandatory, but creates a nice clean cut!)
- Heart-shaped chocolate candy (the Hershey’s ones look better than the Dove)
- Graham crackers (each bag contains two whole crackers broken in half)
- Marshmallows (two per bag)
9. Chapstick Bible Verse Printable
Another really simple valentine, this chapstick printable is literally the bomb. OK, I’ll refrain from the corny mom jokes. But seriously, Luke gave these to the nurses one year when he was doing weekly chemo, and they absolutely adored them! But if you have the budget or only have a small group of kids, they will love this valentine.

- Cardstock: one sheet for every six valentines you want to print
- Paper cutter (not mandatory, but creates a nice clean cut!)
- Lip balm: any kind works, we went for Burts Bees. It’s the best!
- Washi tape to adhere the lip balm. We used this one.
10. Valentine’s Day Bible Verse Printable Bag Toppers
This free printable Valentine’s Day Bible verse bag topper is my new favorite because you can literally fill it with anything heart-shaped! If you are doing this for a large class, you need a slightly larger budget, but it’s a great one for a smaller church class or homeschool group of kids.
I used Dove chocolates, conversation hearts, Jolly Rancher hearts, cinnamon hearts, and even pretty jellybeans, all found at your favorite big box store.
These make great gifts for teachers, neighbors, and even the staff at your church!

- Cardstock: one sheet for every two toppers you want to print
- 4-inch-wide party bags. You can get them at Walmart or craft stores. Look in the cake decorating aisle. Or order them from Amazon to get them the cheapest.
- Paper cutter (not mandatory, but creates a nice clean cut!)
- Heart-shaped or valentine-colored candy
My bags are always taller than needed. Simply cut it down and staple the bag shut before adding the bag topper.
Download Your Free Valentine’s Day Bible Verse Printables
Just fill out the form below, and we will send the printable straight to your inbox. We can’t wait to see how you share God’s love with those around you!

Through practical tools & Bible-based resources, Kim Sorgius is dedicated to helping your family GROW in faith so you can be Not Consumed by life’s struggles. Author of popular kid’s devotional Bible studies and practical homeschooling tools, Kim has a master’s degree in education and curriculum design coupled with over 2 decades of experience working with kids and teens. Above all, her most treasured job is mother and homeschool teacher of four amazing kiddos.
Like the valentine day’s cards with bible verses.
Thanks for making and sharing them
I’ve been trying to print the smarties valentine but I don’t seem to be able to find a link to open
Hi Michelle, It looks like you requested that in December, so the system couldn’t send it again. I’ve manually resent it, so please let us know if you don’t see it by emailing us at joy@notconsumed.com. Have a wonderful day! -Annie, #NC Team
Thanks, these are so cute.
These are so adorable Thanks for sharing
Love these ideas! Would love to have you share them with me…so I can bless people at my church. Thanks
Brenda, if you enter your name and email in the sign-up box above, they will be emailed to you!
Awesome, I love all your creativity! I was looking for something special to make for my daughters kindergarten class Valentine Jesus Loves Me Party at the private Christian School she attends and now I think I will need to make a few! Love your work! ❤️
Do you still have the original “Trust you God” Valentine with the blue block letters available to print? I loved that one for my Preschoolers because it looked a little “younger”. But I can’t find it on your website. If I can get that version instead, please let me know!!
I’m sorry, Kelli, we no longer have those.
I keep emailing myself the valentines and it is not working. Can you please help?
Hi Ashley. I have manually resent those to you. Please email joy@notconsumed.com if you still do not see them!
Love these ideas! Thank you!
Love these!
These are sooooo great! Please could I have a copy of “Jesus is the light!” We are hosting a light party at the weekend and these would be great in the party bags with glow sticks! Thankyou!
Hi Bethan,
If you enter your email at the top of the page, the file will be emailed to you. Please let us know if you have any trouble! 🙂
Thank you so much for your willingness to share your wonderful ideas!
love your ideas
I just wanted to say thank you for the Valentine printables – truly appreciate – I am using the bag topper
I think students will love – God bless
Thank you for the free valentine print outs!
Just came across your wonderful website. Would love to make these for Valentines Day, with my very small Sunday School mixed-aged group.
Thank you very much! God bless.
Kids will love this!
Trust in the Lord printables
We will enjoy sharing these valentines to our kid’s group, thank you!
I would love to help our children stay focused on the LORD. I am always looking for printables that focus on the Giver of all good gifts. Thank you for making this available.
Would love to have these for our Sunday school kids.
I finally got a link to download the printables but it is not of the ones shown here. I was interested in the ones shown above.
The file in the email should have several options for printing. It should include the valentines shown in this post. Please email joy@notconsumed.com if you have further trouble! -Annie, NCM Team
I shared these with my whole family, they are sooooo cute! My favorite is #10.
Thank you
Thanks for your wonderful ideas 🙂
I would love to get a printable of these valentines cards, but I do not see where I can download.