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  1. Like the valentine day’s cards with bible verses.

    Thanks for making and sharing them

    1. I’ve been trying to print the smarties valentine but I don’t seem to be able to find a link to open

      1. Hi Michelle, It looks like you requested that in December, so the system couldn’t send it again. I’ve manually resent it, so please let us know if you don’t see it by emailing us at Have a wonderful day! -Annie, #NC Team

  2. Love these ideas! Would love to have you share them with me…so I can bless people at my church. Thanks

    1. Brenda, if you enter your name and email in the sign-up box above, they will be emailed to you!

  3. Awesome, I love all your creativity! I was looking for something special to make for my daughters kindergarten class Valentine Jesus Loves Me Party at the private Christian School she attends and now I think I will need to make a few! Love your work! ❤️

  4. Do you still have the original “Trust you God” Valentine with the blue block letters available to print? I loved that one for my Preschoolers because it looked a little “younger”. But I can’t find it on your website. If I can get that version instead, please let me know!!

  5. These are sooooo great! Please could I have a copy of “Jesus is the light!” We are hosting a light party at the weekend and these would be great in the party bags with glow sticks! Thankyou!

    1. Hi Bethan,

      If you enter your email at the top of the page, the file will be emailed to you. Please let us know if you have any trouble! 🙂

  6. I just wanted to say thank you for the Valentine printables – truly appreciate – I am using the bag topper
    I think students will love – God bless

  7. Just came across your wonderful website. Would love to make these for Valentines Day, with my very small Sunday School mixed-aged group.
    Thank you very much! God bless.

  8. I would love to help our children stay focused on the LORD. I am always looking for printables that focus on the Giver of all good gifts. Thank you for making this available.

  9. I finally got a link to download the printables but it is not of the ones shown here. I was interested in the ones shown above.

    1. The file in the email should have several options for printing. It should include the valentines shown in this post. Please email if you have further trouble! -Annie, NCM Team

  10. I would love to get a printable of these valentines cards, but I do not see where I can download.

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