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  1. As a first time homeschooling mom, this article is greatly appreciated. My two older sons, aged 22 and 20, went to public school and as I watched them slip into the cracks of peer pressure and lack of academic desire, I decided to homeschool my youngest son… starting in kindergarten. I’m amazed that he is learning and at the same time I struggle with feeling inadequate. Thank you for your reassurance.

  2. Thank you for this post, it was so timely! I have been considering homeschooling my four kiddos for a year now…hemming and hawing and praying for God’s direction. Just this morning I was asking God to give me confirmation, if this was the right direction for our family, and tonight this post was in my inbox!

  3. Thank you for this post! Just today, as I was looking up home-school curriculum and how-tos, I asked myself this very question. Am I smart enough to home-school my children and not leave them missing something? And God put your article in front of me, how amazing! My oldest is only 2 so I have a little while to figure out what exactly I’m going to do as far as home-schooling but I am an over-prepper! Haha

  4. Thank you so much for writing this. It truly made my day. I’ve been asking myself this question a lot lately. My daughter will be turning one in just a few days and I so want to homeschool her when she gets a bit older. I was homeschooled rather poorly and consider myself average to below average in book smarts, but I know I can teach my daughter so much better than I was taught. Where you have the will, God will make a way!

  5. God bless you,, God bless you, God bless you!! This article is right on time!! I am SO fearful to tackle homeschool, but this article let’s me know I am not alone!

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