Christian Family

Our goal at Not Consumed is to help your Christian family grow in faith so you are not consumed by life. We know that being a Christian family in a secular world comes with challenges to our faith. The products, printables and posts you find here will spur your family on in your faith.

We want to make choices that honor and reflect God. We want to teach our kids to love each other well and to love the people around them well. But life can be challenging. Parenting can be complicated, full of unexpected twists and turns. That’s why we need constant reminders of truth. We need the Word of God filling our hearts and minds. And we need the encouragement of others speaking hope into us.

Walking through some excruciating seasons of life including divorce, single-parenting, a child with cancer, and the everyday struggles as a homeschool mom has taught me some truths that I strive to pass along to you. God wants to equip Christian families to walk by faith even in the middle of hard things.

I don’t claim to have it all figured out. Who does? But God has used the trials in life to teach me that we as followers of Jesus can live life “not consumed” because He’s faithful. When difficulties come, He’s faithful. When life doesn’t make sense, He’s faithful. When the future looks uncertain, He’s faithful. He’s faithful to grow us into the Christian family that can impact the world around us.

No matter the struggle you find yourself in the midst of, God wants to grow your faith as a Christian family (in the midst of a very secular world) so that trials don’t consume! I pray the posts you find here breathe life into your own journey!

5 Spiritual Disciplines That Will Help Your Kids GROW
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5 Spiritual Disciplines That Will Help Your Kids GROW

“Spiritual disciplines? What are those?” I wondered. I had grown up going to church and knowing all the church things. But the summer after my junior year of high school was the first time I had realized having a relationship with God required effort on my part! Sure, I knew I should read my Bible—I…

70 Summer Theme Days Activities for an Unforgettable Summer Break

70 Summer Theme Days: Activities for an Unforgettable Summer Break

I love summer break. My kids are huge fans of the extra free time, sleeping in a little later, and being allowed to play until their hearts’ content. That is, for the first week or two. They may say they like a break from our organized school days, but after a few weeks, they start…