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  1. Silly question, but you start with day 30 and work backwards to day 1 correct? I love this idea and want to use it in our home. I’ve downloaded it – just waiting to get some colorful card stock to print on! Thanks so much for sharing this with us. 🙂

  2. Thank you! I love this idea. I have been trying to think of ways get the kids excited about Easter without all the secular traditions. I will definitely do this one. One other thing I came up last year with is my husband and I read the kids the gospel story…we have three eggs (3 representing three days Jesus was in the grave) hidden for each of them. Two have a few pieces of candy then one is empty…the empty one they give to us and they get their Easter basket. Then we go over with them how the grave was empty and what that means for us! The greatest gift comes to us because the grave was empty! Jesus Lives! And so in simple way their bigger gift came to them from an empty egg! We decided to do an Egg hunt with other neighborhood kids in a similar way…sharing first part of gospel, then kids searched for eggs…three eggs were empty…then we read of Jesus ressurection and the kids who had the empty eggs got a prize. We found it to be a good way to share the Gospel with kids and adults!
    Thank you for your wonderful idea! I look forward to starting it!

  3. Hi,
    I’m having trouble getting the link for downloading this wonderful freebie! I clicked the link in my subscriber email, plugged in my email on the page but it keeps telling me “invalid email”. Any suggestions? I did check you FAQ but there was not anything on this problem. Thank you.

  4. I, too, am having difficulties. I followed all directions and triple-checked everything, but still no e-mail with the link. Thank you again for all of the wonderful freebies and posts!

  5. Thank you for the awesome idea! I’m printing these out and we’re going to make them with our Kindergarteners this week so they can take them home and do the countdown with their families! What a great way to continue the conversation about Jesus in their homes. (Blessed to work in a Christian school and be able to share about Jesus everyday!)

  6. I love this idea and we’ll be implementing it… I would love to see you expand it tho… to help those of us who aren’t sure how to put big Christian topics in easy kids language. Maybe a paragraph to read to them and a few questions to go along with each day… I hope you will be posting about how you’re doing through this journey this Easter. I love to see how different families teach littles about Christ!

  7. Hi Kim,

    I appreciate your generous freebies. Thank you for being a blessing. I have a quick question. Am I supposed to have to re-subscribe every time you post a new freebie offer? So far that has been the case. If that is the way it is supposed to work I understand, I just presumed a ‘subscription’ meant that I would not have to do so. Thank you in advance for the clarification.


    1. You aren’t really resubscribing each time. You just need to enter your email so that the system can check and make sure you are in there. It’s sort of like a password of sorts!

  8. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for this freebie! What an awesome idea. I can’t wait to use it. On a side note, may I ask, what is the name of the font you used for printable names? I really like it as well and hope to add it to my computer. Again, thank you.

  9. Great idea! I am alway looking for new ideas to make the holiday more Christ centered

  10. Great idea! Thank you! I’d love it even more if you made it into a 40 day countdown to include all of lent.

  11. Greetings from Germany.I am a pastor’s wife with 4 little children and feeling so blessed by your Easter printable. Thanks so much for your inspiring website. The idea with the lightning sticks we used for the space birthday party of our son, 3 days ago . Greetings . Bee blessed

  12. Awesome idea. I think I can start today and do 2 a day and then taper off a few days until Easter. I feel as if I’m failing as a homeschool mom and as a Christian. Your site has given me some encouragement. Thank you.

  13. Thank you for this neat idea! I am having trouble printing it, though. The words scramble on top of each other when it prints out. Any idea why this would be happening? It is such a great idea to have to do with my kiddos. Just wish I could get it to print out right! Thanks!!

    1. Got it…Just had to print from download, not as a PDF… it works now!! 🙂

    2. Hi Stephanie,
      I’m sorry for your trouble! If you open and print using Adobe Reader you shouldn’t have this issue.
      Please email us at if you are still having trouble!

  14. I love the Easter countdown, but since our kids are all grown and we are empty nesters, I’ve decided to use the papers in a different way. I’m going to have a pizza party before Easter for our church which is very small. I’m going to use the papers and put them in plastic eggs in a basket. Nice Centerpiece! We will take time to have people take an egg and read what’s on their paper.
    Happy Resurrection Sunday to you!

  15. I appreciate the time you’ve saved me by making this available. It will be a meaningful and fun way to look forward to Easter (for the right reasons.) My kids really enjoy advents and other count downs so, it a great reminder for the kids to see; which will motivate me to actually do something everyday leading up to Easter. Simple, easy and powerful. Thank you!

  16. This is a favorite topic for our family. Thank you for making a free printable to try out for study!

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