How to Help Kids Obey: A Practical Guide for Biblical Parenting
Remember when you promised, “my kids will never act like that”? The truth is— kids disobey. Discover practical tips and Scriptural truths for Biblical Parenting in obedience.

Remember when you promised, “my kids will never act like that“?
My oldest daughter recently mumbled those judging words the other day when she witnessed a few poorly behaved kiddos. I chuckled to myself and remembered thinking that EXACT thing all those years ago, too. Four kids later, I’ve come to realize that raising children isn’t nearly as easy as it looks to others.
So how do you get kids to obey? Well, in many cases, that is one of the greatest parenting frustrations! (Trust me, you’re not alone on this one.)
We all look at other seemingly perfect families and wonder what secrets they have that we just seem to be missing. Here’s the truth-their kids disobey, too.
This side of heaven, sin and disobedience are a part of the package. But did you know that God uses that to draw us close to Him? It’s our inability to obey, our weaknesses, and, yes, our failures as a parent that God uses to show us how much we need Him (and just how good He really is).
Here at Not Consumed, we are excited for the opportunity to come alongside you as you walk this parenting journey. We want to help you apply scriptural truths and give you practical tips and tricks that can get your family on the right track with obedience!
Amazing Resources On How To Help Kids Obey
Parenting Toddlers without Losing Your Mind
How to Get Kids to Stay in Bed
How to Teach Your Kids to Stop Interrupting
Teaching Your Child the Importance of Obedience
How to Get Kids to Listen and Actually Do What You Ask
How to Teach Kids Responsible Time Management and Limit Screen Time
Pointing a Rebellious Child to God
5 Tips for Your Disobedient Child
When Your Child Embarrasses You in Public
Is Kids Time Out Effective?
21 Consequences for Kids That Really Work
How to Think of Better Punishments for Kids
3 Christian Discipline Questions to Ask Your Kids
An Obedience Study Is a Great Place to Start!
Teach your kids HOW to obey by laying the right foundation: God’s Word. Obey is a 4-week Bible study for kids ages 4+ focused on getting to the heart of the matter. Journey through Scripture and learn about people who struggled with obedience in this kids’ Bible study that includes HOW, WHY, and WHEN we should obey. Children will be challenged to seek answers in the Bible for the number one issue in their lives: obedience.