Random Acts of Christmas Kindness Tradition (and free printables!)
Random Acts of Christmas Kindness will help you focus on the real meaning of the season while making precious family memories. Join us!
Our hearts raced as we drove back around the corner, trying not to be seen. The scene was a hit-and-run delivery gone wrong. Our friend’s van unexpectedly backed out of the driveway as we were about to pull in for the drop. We had attempted to plan it for when she was picking up the kids from preschool, but obviously, she was running late that day.
We drove around the next street over one more time just to make sure the coast was clear. When I pulled into the driveway, my oldest jumped out of the car in her finest camo gear and snuck stealthily toward the door. She dropped the package on the shiny new Christmas mat and was back in the car before anyone was the wiser.
We drove out of the neighborhood and back toward home, still trying to catch our breath from the excitement of nearly being caught. It was a moment of silence I’ll never forget.
And then bursts of laughter filled the van as if we had just spotted a tower of presents on Christmas morning. The kids squealed with delight, imagining their friends opening up the bag of treats and trinkets we had left for them.

The Birth of Our Random Acts of Christmas Kindness Tradition
And that was the moment I knew this was one family Christmas tradition we would never give up. The joy of giving to someone else had changed everything about how Christmas had been going in our family. Gone were the days of lying around on the floor with a toy catalog and a giant wish list. Instead, you would find us jabbering about what our unsuspecting victims might do when they discovered our gift and who would get “RACK’ed” next.
Since that first year, we have “bombed” cars in parking lots with candy canes and treated random strangers to vending machine snacks in the ER waiting room. We’ve snuck gas cards into friends’ purses at church, and we’ve bought hot chocolate for the Salvation Army bell ringers.

Recently I asked my children if they could remember a favorite from all of the years so far. We sat for quite some time sharing memories of all the fun things we had done, and I marveled at the simplicity of their favorites.
What was originally an attempt to find a fun tradition that would get their minds off the materialism became a legacy of blessing we would cherish in our hearts for years to come. You see, the Bible isn’t wrong about that giving thing. It really IS more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). And so we continue to “RACK” people every Christmas, always looking for new ways to give away that love Jesus came to earth to offer us!
Want to join us this year?
This has been such a blessing to our family that I wanted to find a way to help others do it as well. So, I’m sharing step-by-step instructions for how we make it work and even some printables to make the “job” easier.
From RAK to RACK (Random Acts of Christmas Kindness)
The idea of RAK has actually been around for a long time. RAK stands for Random Acts of Kindness. There is even an organization, a website, and a week in February devoted to RAK. I’m not really sure who thought to add the “C” into the mix and do it at Christmas, but it clearly was a wonderful idea.
You are probably familiar with RAK, the idea of “paying it forward.” You simply do something nice—at random. Well, random for the unsuspecting receiver, that is. The giver often has to plan ahead at least a little to make this happen. The action could be anything from buying someone’s lunch at the drive-thru to bringing in the trash can for a neighbor. The point is to take a moment and do something kind for someone else.

Supplies for RACK (Random Acts of Christmas Kindness)
Technically, you don’t need anything. You could just resolve right now to do one nice thing every single day in December. But if you are anything like me, that resolution will fail within a few days. I have to be more intentional. So, I created some little “You’ve been RACK’ed” cards and a list of ideas. These have really simplified the process.
The “You’ve been RACK’ed” cards will be attached to whatever we are giving to the person who is blessed with our gift that day. As far as the items themselves, the sky is the limit. I love Hobby Lobby, but dollar bins at other stores can be a great resource, too. Here are a few of the things I try to grab up:
- White paper sacks
- Cellophane bags (I usually buy Christmas ones, but clear works, too)
- Washi tape (we love red, green, and Christmas themes)
- Candy canes
- Chapstick (one of our favorite gifts to tape on for outdoor workers)
- Small gift cards
- Candles
- Bath bombs (buy these in bags and split them up)
- Hot cocoa (this set is really fun)
You can find more ideas on the checklist for things you might want to purchase. The first two to three items will give you a great head start.

One thing I want to mention: The budget should NEVER be a hindrance to doing this.
The first year we did this, I was a single mom with four kiddos and an income of less than $15,000 a year. We bought two big boxes of candy canes and handed out some loose coins. Our total budget was $10 that year. Over the years, we’ve grown the budget exponentially, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
A small blessing speaks volumes to the hearts of those around you. Even if it’s just a few quarters for the vending machine.
Random Acts of Christmas Kindness (RACK) Game Plan
Step one: Pick your days. We generally do Random Acts of Christmas Kindness every day in December until Christmas, so 25 days. If we are out of town, we do it there. You could plan to do it any number of days you wish, though. You could do it every other day or even just three times a week until Christmas. It’s totally up to you.
But whatever you choose, please don’t let guilt set in if you let your goal slip by. It happens. We all miss a day, and it will be OK. It’s a busy time of year, and this isn’t supposed to be something that makes us feel guilty. Remember the purpose and just pick up where you left off.
Step two: Pick your budget. Don’t let this part keep you from doing it. Yes, you are going to need a little money to make this happen. At the very least, you need to print off the cards. If money is really tight, buy a couple boxes of candy canes to attach to the cards and then just make it a habit to bless someone every day. The total cost would be less than $5.
If you can spare $25, then you can spend $1 a day to bless someone. If you have $125, you can spend $5 a day. Just remember, you can’t out-give God. Be generous and enjoy this!
For me, the amount we spend has varied greatly over the years. I don’t usually set a daily amount, as some days, we will give something that is less than a dollar (such as money taped to the vending machine for a soda). Other days, we might give a $10 gas card or even a week’s groceries for a family in need. Generally, I look at the budget and decide how much money I have and then choose a few big things to do and fill in the rest from there.
My kids have even started saving for this, too. I love seeing them investing in a blessing for someone else! This year, one of my kids thought we should take laundry soap and a new basket to the laundromat along with the quarters we usually take. I love that idea!

Step three: Pick the acts you would like to do. I’ve provided a list of 59 ideas. Some are very open-ended and can be used multiple times, like blessing different neighbors on different days. Of course, you will probably think of some on your own, too.
I try to think about the week in advance and consider what opportunities might lay ahead. For example, if we will be near church for an errand, I might bring something to drop off for our church office staff. If I know that we will have dinner out, I will plan to give something to the waiter or delivery driver.
Because I know you are wondering, no, I don’t plan the whole 25 days in advance. It’s just too hard for me to know what opportunities we might have. We do usually make up some bags and have them ready to deliver at a moment’s notice, though. Typically, we go shopping on Thanksgiving weekend and put these together.
Whatever you pick, I will tell you this . . . if you don’t plan something, you probably won’t do much. So, get some ideas together and just run with them.
Setting Up Your Printables
“You’ve been RACK’ed” Cards:
You will want to print these out on cardstock so you can hand them out. Once these are printed and cut, I usually put them together with the items we are giving away. I also keep a stash in my car in case an opportunity arises, like buying coffee/lunch at a drive-thru. Just having them in the car makes it easy to be random and spontaneous.
Checklist or Action Cards:
Because I know that everyone likes choices, we’ve given you one. You might choose to cut out your activity cards and put them in a cute basket or jar like I do. Then you can dig through and pick the day’s RACK. Or you can even pick one out at random. I usually save them each year and add more as we think of them.
If that seems daunting, you might prefer a checklist. We’ve got you covered. You can just print the checklist and throw it up on the fridge. As you complete an item, simply mark it off.

What are your Random Acts of Christmas Kindness Ideas?
And that’s it. You are ready to go out and spread some Christmas kindness. I’m praying that your family makes amazing memories as you bless the socks off the people in your community. You may never know the beauty of the seed it plants in their hearts!
If you have some ideas we haven’t thought of, comment below. Or better yet, post them on social media! Be sure to tag us @KimSorgius on Instagram and use our hashtag #notconsumed so we don’t miss it!
P.S. If you happen to be a local friend of mine, please pretend you didn’t read this post, just in case you get RACK’ed!
Get the Random Acts of Christmas Kindness set for an easy way to make your Christmas extra meaningful! Fill out the form below, then check your inbox for your free download!

Through practical tools & Bible-based resources, Kim Sorgius is dedicated to helping your family GROW in faith so you can be Not Consumed by life’s struggles. Author of popular kid’s devotional Bible studies and practical homeschooling tools, Kim has a master’s degree in education and curriculum design coupled with over 2 decades of experience working with kids and teens. Above all, her most treasured job is mother and homeschool teacher of four amazing kiddos.
Wonderful idea
Thank you for sharing ?
Thank you so very much for this fun activity. I am going to get started. I think I will also do something like this for the kids in my classroom. Haven’t decided how yet but am going to work on it.
Excited to start Racking
What a wonderful idea!
I’ve been trying to sign up and add my email, but it doesn’t go through! Can you please add me to the list so I can receive this printable? Chefstephferrari@yahoo.com
Went looking for Advent ideas for myself as I sit at home, retired & stuck-in recovering from shoulder surgery.. I LOVE this!! I live in a 12- apt building & don’t know many of my neighbors, but.. I see possibilities! Also, I’m going to PT a few times a week, so will try to “bless” my therapists! Thank you, Thank you! God knew I could use this right now! XO
Love this idea.
Love this. Planning on RACKING Puerto Rico for our early December vacation.
HI I cannot get the email sent to me when I fill out the form for the RACKED printables. Can you send me one? I’ve tried about 20 times.
What a Great idea! And this is completely free?
Asking because I really wanted to do something for the holiday at my work everyday for members and was thinking of doing something like this. Was just going to hand out candy canes but this is that much better.
Love this ❤️
Thank you for this wonderful idea!
Merry Christmas
This is so wonderful!
I’m am so excited for this!
Thank you for sharing and being a light into the darkness!
May God continue to pour out His blessings upon you and use you mightily.
Love in Christ, Tina Stewart ❤️
My husband starting doing RAK’s when our kids were little, they are all grown up now and still carry on his tradition. One of his favorite was putting $5 bills in grocery carts without being seen. This is wonderful, thank you for helping make the world a better place.
Can’t wait to do this with my children this year.
I love this idea. It is a wonderful way to teach our children to look for opportunities to be kind.
These are such a wonderful idea! However, I have tried multiple times to sign up for them and they just simply aren’t showing up in my email. I did download the Christmas Verse cards and those came through fine.
Thank you! I hope I can figure out how to get these as well!
Hi Michele. You had requested those in 2021, which is why it wasn’t coming through again. I have manually resent it, so please let us know if you still don’t see it by sending an email to joy@notconsumed.com. 🙂
Thank you, I did receive them this time. I thought I had requested them before but I must not have saved them and obviously hadn’t used them. Yet!! This is the year to do it! Thanks again!
Thank you! I love all your products so much!
Great Idea!
Hi! I have tried atleast a dozen times to send the RAK printables to my email and they will not send. I am a recurring customer and have spent lots of money over the years in your store. So I am not just looking for a freebie! 🙂 My family enjoys sharing these with others every year. Can you help? Thank you!
I’m sorry for your trouble! It looks like you had requested that printable a few years ago, which is why the system couldn’t send it again. I have resent that manually, so please let us know if you still don’t see it. You might also like to save the file in a special folder for next time. 🙂 -Annie, NCM Team