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  1. Thank you so much for these I needed them as I look forward to a new school year.

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this post!!! I have been trying to rethink our daily schedule for months and have researched so many places. Everything I’ve found says it’s ok if you don’t get everything done in a day, and I get that, but I do need to get better; however, no one is giving any practical tips on how to get better at it—until your post! So thank you again for this! I will be bookmarking this and coming back as I prepare for a new year!

  3. Thank you, Kim! These are wonderful tips, I’ll work through them one by one and see what we can improve. One question: is there ANY way to keep high school simple for a college bound kid?

  4. These were great reminders for our upcoming year and some where a “here! here!” response in my head as I strongly affirm these hacks I’ve learned along the way. :.)

  5. “I hate to go against the grain here, but taking Latin in pre-k doesn’t make children scholars. … I humbly suggest only committing to the necessary subjects. Stay simple until late elementary school.”

    So true! I smiled, because we have seen so many temporary trendy, must-have ways of doing things through the years. One minute it sounded like our children would be forever stunted if we didn’t do things using the newest program, and then two or three years down the road it was nowhere to be found.

    Thanks for a great article, full of sound advice!
    Lee Ann Rubsam, author of Character Building for Families

  6. Loved these ideas on time savers! We moved to using time chunks several years ago and it simplified our life so much. I also implement it in my business as well. It allows for more flexibility and reduces the mom guilt of mot being on a rigid timeline.

  7. I love to use copywork from living books in our homeschool. If used correctly it can cover multiple language arts components. Handwriting, writing mechanics, literature, spelling, language.
    Also If your in a real time crunch, a good read aloud that goes along with your history or science is quality stuff. Count it as good and move on.
    Maybe take that read aloud and use it for copywork. Voila, there’s more than half your subjects right there.

  8. I was thinking in the video you mentioned an online program for math practice. But maybe I was imagining things. LOL

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