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  1. This post is so great! We are just starting to homeschool this year and I’ve been thinking about how to get organized, especially since our state requires quarterly reports. Thank you so much! What math curriculum do you use? I like the sound of little booklets with tests at the end.

  2. I use two notebooks per kid–one for the daily work, and one that is for the “keeper” stuff (like attendance, finished work, work to keep, course of study, finished weekly checklists, etc.). I find that if I put the “keeper” stuff in their daily books, it gets ripped to shreds eventually. I move the finished stuff out of their daily binders once every couple of weeks and put it in the keeper binders with the checklist in front of each week’s worth of work.

    1. That’s a great idea. I’ve never really had a problem with things ripping or anything. Maybe because I use the dividers? I’m not sure honestly. 🙂 Can’t be because my kids are saints. Haha!

      This would be a good suggestion as the get older, as well. I’m wondering if I will find that once we hit middle/high school that the 1.5 inch binder isn’t big enough!

  3. Thank Kim for listing my yearly goals. Love your post. So VERY helpful when you need to track and nothing beat home made for sure. A lot of great details and help found here for homeschoolers.

  4. What a great idea! And it would be so much easier to store than the tubs I have in our garage for each year!

  5. Pingback: Homeschool Portfolio Tips for Beginners - The HSBA Post
    1. Last year when my girls were in 3rd and 4th grade we did history 2 days a week and science 3 days a week. They were in a co-op that assigned homework on that schedule. This year, we do them separately. History is 5 days a week and we are using Mystery of History. Science is only 4 days a week using Apologia’s new Chemistry study. You can see our curriculum choices here:

  6. Pingback: School Year Planning. | Rad Mumsy
  7. Hi-
    Last year was our first year homeschooling and I certainly wish I had had something like this. These seem to be geared for elementary students. Do you have a middle school version? I really hope so; I’d rather not be left to my own devices this year again.
    In Him,

    1. Hi April,
      This is definitely a good fit for middle school. My middle schooler will be using it! You could use it all the way through high school. I’ve designed some pages that you wouldn’t use that long, but most would be perfect.

  8. I ordered this amazing portfolio and I know there was a video about how to edit it. I saw it once and can’t seem to find it again. Could you post a link or something because I have looked all over, haha. Thank you for this by the way! I plan to use it this year for my 4th grader and Kindergartner.

  9. Where do I find the digital version? When I click link, the page is no longer available?

    1. Hi Katie,

      The digital Student Planners are no longer available. I’m sorry! However, the physical copy is currently at a clearance price!!

      1. Can you share the reason this is on clearance? Are there updates being made that we should look forward to? Or is it being discontinued altogether? Thanks!

        1. We are working on an update, but it probably won’t be available until sometime next summer.

  10. I wish this was still available in a digital print version. I would like to use it how you suggest in your blog post with dividers and the ability to add in work as a “portfolio” for the year. It’s genius and so much less work than scrambling at the end of the year!

  11. If a state requires actual samples of worksheets or something similar, what would you do? Just have folder of them to go along with this? Or is there a spot in here for things like that? Thanks so much!

    1. Kelsey,

      It would probably be easiest to include a section in the notebook for those. Or just include the worksheet samples with the work you are keeping from each subject, keeping each subject all in one place. 🙂

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