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  1. What a fantastic idea, I’m going to have to try this! We have been trying to find meaningful ways to celebrate the holidays, to focus on service instead of “stuff”.

    1. Excellent party idea! I’m going to gear it toward my adult girlfriends who are a blessing to me. Changing up the games, etc, it will show them not only what a blessing they are to me but encourage us all to go forth being a blessing to more people.

  2. I LOVE THIS!!! I am writing a post on my own blog to feature this idea and will link your site. I blog to encourage people to find ways to help out in the world of adoption even if they are not wanting to become an adoptive family, I share many ways they can help. This is a perfect idea to share with my readers! Thank you! And I love your domain name. Excited to read more of your stuff.

  3. Im hosting a holiday party very soon for my daughters kendergarden class, im looking for ideas to include all of the children, i will be contacting the mom of the child who is usually excluded from these types of parties to get the family rules(im reading it varies from family to family). Any ideas, activities, crafts, or website and info you or your blog followers can offer would be AMAZING

  4. We have had a Fall Party for the last three years. I usually cut a large tree out of paper bags and attach it to the wall with tape. then I pass out cut out leaves and have people write what they are thankful for on it, and tape the leaves to the tree!

  5. I have done a blessing party or Count Your Blessings party. I included a craft where they painted wooden letters “GiVE THANKS” and they wrote their years blessings and things they were thankful for. Then did some fall decorating crafts. I recommend maybe doing wood blocks with my give thanks project to make easier to display.

  6. I am so excited about this idea. I lead a middle school prayer meeting once a month at church. Next month we will be focusing on the persecuted church. We usually break into 3 stations. It will be good to have one station focus on being thankful for all we have been blessed with. We can use some of these activities.

  7. An extra idea to throw into the pot is to give each kid a mini pumpkin to write what they are thankful for on with Sharpie pens.

  8. Thank you for this article, great idea and inspiration as im planning for my sisters 18th birthday hehehe

  9. I have done a philanthropic party for my daughter..where we asked her friends to bring gifts which we donated to orphanage girls..

    1. Patricia, You could do a very similar party plan, but change the gifts to something more adult appropriate, instead of the candy.

  10. Toiletries for the homeless shelter at my retirement dinner from my family members instead of gifts.

  11. Thank you so much! This is a wonderful idea and yes, I’m going to try this with my grandchildren!

  12. We frequently give parties for 20 or so folks. A blessing activity we’ve done is to have each person say what they’re thankful for, for the person on their right (or left.) At a Mother’s Day party, we had guests bring a photo of their mother and tell a favorite memory.

  13. I volunteer with Operation Christmas Child. We fill empty shoeboxes with toys, clothes school supplies and hygiene items. Then they go around the world to help children in need. I’ve been doing this every year with my kids since they were little. We drop off all the boxes before Thanksgiving, so the boxes can reach their destination by Christmas. Some years we pack lots of boxes, other years just a few. I’ve taken my sons (and their friends) out for lunch, followed by a shopping trip, where we buy everything we need to pack one box each. Then we go home to pack them all.

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