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  1. Love this! This is a great system! I love Dave Ramsey, but the system never touched all of the this I wanted to touch on. I like how you incorporated serving others, neglect of chores, saving for summer camps, or even clothes. Thank you for telling is about your journey.

    1. Have you read Smart Money, Smart Kids? I don’t think it covers all of those things, but it is more specific for child training than his other books.

  2. This is perfect! I did read Dave Ramsey’s Smart Kids book earlier this year, and I love this. What jobs did your family decide were the ones that did not get paid that they were just part of being in the family? That is what I am trying to decide for our family. I have 4 kids and would love to give them a dollar for each job, but we are trying to get out of our debt, so I might have to decrease our amounts some.

    1. These are our “because you live here” chores: picking up your own things around the house, helping with grocery shopping/unloading, helping with preparation of meals (older girls prepare meals on their own one night a week, plus make all lunches), making your bed everyday, etc.

      Remember with the monetary part to include your budget for necessary items, like clothes. This helped me to be able to fund all 4 kids at $1 per task. We actually have a few that are worth $2 because of the time it takes to complete!

      1. Thank you! I signed up with my email to get the package with the chore charts. Was that all I had to do?

  3. Love this. We have read the Smart kids book as well. The remembering to pay part was difficult, so bringing us the completed form each week and asking to check the work and get paid being their responsibility helps. We used to be asked for several weeks worth of paydays at the store when someone wanted to buy something.

  4. Effective. I like how it makes it easier to teach kiddos the cost of buying things -> is that [gum/toy/chips/…] worth the amount of work you need to do to have enough spending cash to purchase it.

    My older sister taught me that when I was a kid (she is ~8yrs older) she was shocked to see that grabbing some fries to eat when out translated to her hours at work to pay for it was way more of her time then she felt was worth it. Her upset stuck with me (I was about 8 at the time, and 30 yrs later it still sticks ?)

  5. Thank you! I signed up with my email to get the package with the chore charts. Was that all I had to do?

    1. Yes, that is all you need to do. You should receive a download with the printable chore charts included. If for some reason you do not receive that, please email kim@notconsumed and we will figure out the problem. 🙂
      Not Consumed customer service

  6. Thanks so much for all you do! I LOVE just about everything you put out. It’s like you make the things in my head tangible. I praise God for you. I was just talking to my brother in law about this same type of system and he liked what I was saying. Now I’m going to email this to him so it will be clearer. Thank you again.

  7. I LOVE this. I have read Dave Ramsey’s book that you mentioned and gained a lot from it but my oldest is 5 and the traditional chore chart just isn’t working with her. Thank you for sharing how you have incorporated this in your home… I learned new ideas to try with my girls!

  8. I’m currently reading Dave’s Smart Kids book…and so far my kids are loving the system. We did add a few elements to help with since our kids are all under 7. Because they are so little I pay them as soon as possible after their job is done and they keep all their money in their cup at our command center. I pay them using our math money (play money that’s simply colored/drawn up more accurately) and every Friday they count it up and divide it as desired. Then during nap time I set up the “mommy dollars store” for them to shop at. It’s full of random toys I pick up($1store, clearance racks etc) and I purposely price some items so that the kids need to save up a week. (I try to only make them wait the extra week so they don’t get discouraged.) The second element I added was game tokens. You can do extra jobs or if I catch good behavior to reward you get game tokens that are each worth five minutes of play. (On Fridays they’re also buyable) it really motivates my older boy who turns them over to daddy to get some video game time.

    1. I think this may work for us! Using play money. I can’t every week pay real money.. but my kids would definitely love a store they could shop from.

  9. I LOVE this! It’s just what I’ve been thinking of, but not sure how to implement. Thanks for all of the information!

  10. Kim, I just downloaded your Ultimate-Family-Discipleship-Collection. I am looking forward to diving in. You are a blessing and I appreciate your generosity. Thanks a lot.

  11. Thank you for this. I have been wanting to implement a paid chore system to teach my 7 yr old about saving, spending and tithing, and your printable chore cards look perfect. I also appreciate the reminder that if we want the kids to be consistent about doing the chores we have to be consistent about paying and checking their work. I remember being really excited as a kid when my parents started a paid chore system (on top of the many chores we had to do because we lived there), and then being disappointed when the idea just sort of fizzled. (of course the unpaid chores marched on 🙂 ) Your testimony and the resources you have created are a huge blessing to me. Thank you

  12. This is such a wonderful post – thank you! I have a few questions I’m hoping you can answer…Taking your example, do you pay $1 for each time a daily chore is done – or $1 for doing them all week?
    Also, how did you go about figuring the amount? (I know you said you took into account what you normally spend on that child per year, but did you figure in the whole amount for all things – clothes, camp, treats, etc. Or did you take a percentage of that amount so the kids would need to prioritize? Are there certain activities/items you still pay for once you implemented this system or do the kids pay for everything?) Are details like this addressed in the Smart Kids book? Thank you so much!!

    1. The book definitely has lots of ideas on these topics. I pay $1 per week for a chore. However if the chore has to be done daily, it might be worth more. Most of our daily chores are UNPAID chores (like making the bed). For camps and such I actually have a matching program. Dave teaches this, too. If they save $100, I’ll match $100.

  13. What is the share money used for. Thank you for this post! I’m so excited to implement it!!

  14. Help with printing…..
    Thank you Kim for putting this all together, we’ve been planning on how to make out days run smoother instead of me assigning chores and kids complaining. I just had one issue. I tried several times but didn’t get an email with the printable chore cards. And I’m not creative so this is a must! Thank you!

  15. Thank you for your generosity and for sharing your wisdom. With 4 kids ages 2-10, it has been difficult for me find something that works and sticks –this looks very promising!!

  16. I really love this idea and the house zoning approach. Do you currently do both?? I was trying to figure out a way to do both. A zone and a paid system. I just ordered the Dave Ramsey book too! We’ve talked about a paid system before and even tried but I was not consistent with paying because I never had cash and didn’t know what to do with when they said it was done but it wasn’t done to my standards. Any experience with neurodiverse children and the chore charts or family chores?
    Thanks for all your amazing resources and support!

  17. Hi, I ordered the chore chart and hope to start making a list of chores with the kids soon. I have a totally random question. You said your oldest saved up for camps, I want my daughter to do that to. So they save money in their save jar for camp? Or does the save jar go in the bank, and they save their spend jar to spend on going to camp?

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