Resources for Biblical Parenting Archives

5 Spiritual Disciplines That Will Help Your Kids GROW
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5 Spiritual Disciplines That Will Help Your Kids GROW

“Spiritual disciplines? What are those?” I wondered. I had grown up going to church and knowing all the church things. But the summer after my junior year of high school was the first time I had realized having a relationship with God required effort on my part! Sure, I knew I should read my Bible—I…

How to Help Your Kids Make Wise Choices

How to Help Your Kids Make Wise Choices

I’ve found that some kids just really struggle to obey. Have you? Here’s how to help your kids make wise choices. I saw this struggle to make wise choices a lot as a classroom teacher. Some students were just natural rule followers who couldn’t get in trouble if they tried. Others couldn’t stay OUT of…

Missions prayer calendar

5 Ways to Pray for Missionaries with Your Kids | Missions Prayer Calendar

Need fresh ideas to help you pray for missionaries with your kids? You’ll love these practical ways, plus the free printable. Read more! Have you ever noticed how much kids like collecting things? No doubt you have had many a squished bug, muddy rock (because it’s shaped like a heart!), or especially beautiful leaf bestowed…

kids friendships

6 Practical Tips for Helping Your Kids With Friendships

Kids’ friendships are treasured and beautiful, but they are also difficult. With these tips, we can help our kids navigate friendships well. It was my favorite day ever: my 8th birthday. The sun glistened through the trees as I sat on our chain-link fence, staring down the street anxiously waiting for my friends to arrive…